Introducing Southern California 511—

a free traveler information service that provides traffic, transit and commuter service information via a toll-free phone number and website.

Try 511! Simply follow the steps below. Please remember to leave feedback. Your comments are valuable and will help improve 511.

Try 511 on the web
  1. Visit Go511.com
  2. Browse the website to look for traffic,
    public transit and other traveler
    information relative to your commute
    and/or your agency.
  3. When you’re done, click on
    “FEEDBACK” at the bottom of any
    page and write a message about
    your experience using Go511.com
    and suggestions for improvement.
Try 511 on the phone
  1. Call 511. If you are calling from work,
    you might need to ask your telecom
    department to add 511 as an
    authorized number to your telephone
  2. Follow the simple instructions to
    get the information you want.
    For example, for up to the minute
    traffic information, simply say
    “traffic” and follow the instructions.
  3. When you’re done, say “FEEDBACK”.
    Here you can leave a message about
    your experience calling 511, and
    suggestions for improvement. More…

511 is easy to use because it’s fully voice activated; you don’t need to punch numbers on the phone to get the information you need. Please remember to drive safely and call 511 before leaving your home or when your vehicle is stopped.

About 511:
Call 511 or visit Go511.com to get all the information you need to make smart traveling decisions. Check up to the minute traffic speeds, plan a trip on a bus or train and even find a carpool or vanpool partner. 511 will help improve your commute and keep you informed about travel conditions.

511 traveler information services are provided by the Los Angeles County Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies (LA SAFE), in partnership with the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro), Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), the Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC), the California Highway Patrol (CHP) and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans).

To learn more about Southern California 511, visit lasafe.net or email rosasc@metro.net.

Traffic updates and transit planning  Go511.com  |  Call 511